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Panel 3: Design and implementation of science, technology and innovation policies with a territorial approach (thematic area on science, technology and innovation with a territorial approach)

Hotel Grand Hyatt (Grand Ballroom)

Session |
Fri, 05/04/2024 - 11:30 to 13:00

Moderator: Diana Rúa, Head of the Office of Vocational Education and Training in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia

María Camila Díaz, Vice-Minister of Talent and Social Ownership of Knowledge in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia
Orlando Vega, Vice-Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica
Adrián Suárez, Secretary for Science and Technology in the Government of the Province of Santiago del Estero of Argentina
Alexander Serrano, Head of Innovation and Technology in the National Technological Institute (INATEC) of Nicaragua
Paola Pabón, Prefect of Pichincha Province in Ecuador
Fábio Guedes Gomes, Coordinator of the Thematic Chamber for Science and Knowledge Development of the Interstate Consortium for Sustainable Development of the North-East of Brazil
Curtis King, Minister of Education and National Reconciliation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Davin Jagessar, Assistant Programme Coordinator in the Ministry of Planning and Development of Trinidad and Tobago

  • Statements by delegations