
Time Converter

Wed, Apr 03 2024

Thu, Apr 04 2024

Venue of the meeting

Hotel Grand Hyatt Bogotá
Salón Grand Ballroom
Dirección: Calle 24A #57 – 60, Bogotá CUN

About the event

Latin America and the Caribbean faces a structural problem of low growth largely explained by stagnant, , or even declining,  productivity in recent decades. In order to avoid the low-productivity trap and be able to move towards more diversified and complex productive structures, it is key to promote a pro-investment agenda to foster dynamic productive sectors, but that also favors the development of new sectors.  

Science, technology and innovation policies play a central role, owing to their effect both on increasing the productivity of existing activities through incremental or radical improvements in processes and forms of organization, and on the creation of new sectors or the expansion of existing ones, through innovation and technology-based entrepreneurship in new products and services. 


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