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Digital technologies for a new future
Session |
Tue, 14/12/2021 - 12:40 to 14:10
Moderator: Raúl Echeberría, Executive Director of the Latin American Internet Association (ALAI)
Introductory remarks: Martin Hilbert, Full Professor of the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) (United States)
- Guido Girardi Lavín, Senator of the Republic and Chair of the Committee on Future Challenges, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Senate of Chile
- Vianna Maino, Minister of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador, in her capacity as Chair of the Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Yuri Castro, Director of Information Technology of the National Secretariat of Science and Technology of Guatemala
- Carlos Kan, National Director for Innovation of the National Authority for Government Innovation of Panama
- Gabriel Hernández, Director of Information Technology Infrastructure and Operations of the National Agency for e-Government and the Information Society (AGESIC) of Uruguay
- Rodney Taylor, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU)
- Olivier Bringer, Head of Unit of Policy Outreach and International Affairs of the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology the European Commission
Discussion and statements by the countries