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Panel 3: Infrastructure for hyperconnectivity

More than half the region’s inhabitants and more than 70% of its millennials are Internet users. Nevertheless, certain areas and groups in society lack physical access to the Internet or cannot afford connection prices. At the same time, pressure is building for higher speed and lower latency in order to support technologies that are still lagging in the region, such as 4G, or those that will have a great impact in the medium term, such as 5G. This panel will discuss policy measures to increase connectivity, reduce its costs (especially data roaming), accelerate the deployment of 4G networks and prepare for 5G.
Session |
Tue, 13/09/2016 - 14:30 to 16:00

Speaker: Malcolm Johnson, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Moderator: Catalina Achermann, ICT specialist of the Division of Production, Productivity and Management of ECLAC

  • Edwin Estrada Hernández, Vice-Minister for Telecommunications of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica
  • Anthoni Torres, Vice-Minister for the Development of Technologies of the Ministry of the Popular Power for Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • Blanca Coto, General Superintendent of Electricity and Telecommunications of El Salvador
  • José Juan Haro, Director for Public Policy and Wholesale Business for Latin America of Telefónica
  • Ezequiel Domínguez, Head of Europe and Americas of Cullen International
  • José Luis Ayala, Head of  Government and Industry Relations for Latin America at Ericsson